Improving primary care in the clinic and community
The CATCH-ON team works with primary care clinics to assess their resources, priorities and readiness to innovate to become Age-Friendly Health Communities (AFHCs). The CATCH-ON team then supports partner clinics in developing and implementing workflows to address the 4Ms framework created by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement:
- Ask and document What Matters to older adults, then align the care plan accordingly.
- Review Medications and de-prescribe as many high-risk medications as clinically appropriate.
- Address Mentation by screening for depression and dementia, treating and referring to specialists when needed.
- Assess Mobility, then develop and implement a plan to maximize functional mobility.
We welcome health professionals to use our educational modules at any stage of the journey toward providing age-friendly care. For more about the 4Ms, watch this introductory video. To learn more about implementing the 4Ms, watch these videos about ambulatory care and hospital settings.
The 4Ms in Primary Care
Four CATCH-ON clinic partner groups in Chicago, southern Illinois, and Tennessee (28 clinics) are developing workflows for implementing and documenting the 4Ms.
Email [email protected] for more information about the implementation approach.